A fleet of bots..

VOLBotM is a super LFO ( Low frequency Oscillator ) which generates up to 4 iterated versions of it at once as modulator signals to be mapped to selected Midi CC destinations addressing your synth instruments.

With the distributed audio plugin architecture of sonicLAB, you will be able to control an entire fleet 

of DAW track instruments together in real time with your parameter controls on the VOLBotM while communicating with the VOLBotM clients on other tracks.



Be it stochastic complex control waveforms to interact with or simple touches, this data serving as midi modulator will be shared among all existing VOLBotM’s. This opens a wide range of creative possibilities for your production.



Since a stochastic function generates numbers on random iterations, although each instance of the VOLBotM client will be on the same distribution range as the server, it will demonstrate a variation of the intensity modulation created by the VOLBotM server.

VOLBotM and VOLBotM client instances are located on separate DAW midi tracks on plugin slots and the VOLBotM communicates remotely with its clients. You can assign the generated modulator mappings to Midi CC messages individually and set the offset and attenuation factors to reshape them.

VOLBotM and VOLBotM client plugins come in VST and AUFx formats for Windows and OSX 64bit systems.