sonicLAB and its logo is a trademark of sonicPlanet.

sonicPlanet A&V
Founder / Director : Sinan Bokesoy.
contact : support at


We are solely responsible for contents on this site. Any software-related item (plugin apps, informations, tutorials, downloadable material) is to be used at your own risk. We give no guarantee concerning their usefulness or proper function within the context of anyone else’s application.


sonicLAB delivers support for only the latest versions of its software. This is due to very rapid changes in computer industry and operating systems which are the base of everything. These changes are out of our hands however, we give great efforts to maintain compatibility along with these changes and also update our software for a sustainable users experience. 


We are not responsible of the behavior of the old versions on new systems and computers, and can’t spare extra efforts on that direction. The user is expected to update his/her software, DAW etc. in this ecosystem.  


sonicLAB takes the privacy of your personal data very seriously, in strict compliance with international data protection legislation. You will only be asked to divulge information that is absolutely necessary for the upkeep of our services. Under no circumstances will your personal data be sold or otherwise passed on to third parties.

The following is an overview of our privacy policy, including the reasons for requiring certain information:

We might ask the operating system of use on your computer.

We might ask the DAW you are using for checking compatibility.

We do ask the iLOK account ID of the user for registration of the software and also to access  to users personal account in the shop.

When you contact us asking for a demo version, you do automatically accept that we might later send you additional information in form of newsletter e-mail about our product updates and announcements. You can anytime unsubscribe yourself from these activities.


purchase and return policy

When you purchase a sonicLAB software, you will be asked the necessary information for the registration of your software.

When you purchase a sonicLAB software and register it to your computer by any means as a licencee, there is no return possible back to the vendor. 

The iLOK account ID will be asked for registration and depositing the licence.

You can install the software on two computers at the same time. You can use the iLOK Cloud, iLOK Key or the host computer for registration.

It is not our responsibility to transfer any iLOK licence to another iLOK account, there will be applicable fees resolved with PACE (

Upon your purchase, we give you the licence to use our software. This licence is not transferable by any means of trade.

We don’t save any alien file to your harddisk for registration/security reasons.

sonicLAB reserves all the rights to do any changes on its existing softwares and also its prices as for updates or feature expansions.

upgrade policy

sonicLAB products are updated regularly. It is a continuous research and development process for new features and implementing new ideas.

Our products are tested and continuously utilized, however it might contain minimum amount of bugs and sometimes things are broken between updates. But sonicLAB immediately takes care of all possible conflicts and releases fixes very quickly.


sonicLAB considers primarily supporting the newest OS updates and today developers have to stay in sync with the latest OS versions. If conflicts do happen between an old OS version and the latest product version, priority is given for supporting the latest versions. So please consider upgrading your OS regularly.



Prices may change accordingly given the amount of new features or released lighter versions of the software. Statistically, upgrades are charged for a period of not less then 2 years. During this period sonicLAB shows a considerable amount of R&D for its products by implementing new features, unlike other audio software companies which release the product and supports it with bug fixings, however feature-wise the software does not change at all.



The client has the license to use his/her currently purchased software forever, however sonicLAB does not guarantee the OS compatibility for all the previously released software versions. Again, the priority is given to the latest developments and  OS versions.



If the client has purchased a student or academic version ( anyway full version ) which was being offered in the past, he/she will be asked for the validity of an existent student/academic enrollment in order to be able to obtain a new paid upgrade. Otherwise a price difference for the existing professional version will be asked. Again the policy serves to treat equally the amount of payment for all the clients.



Alltogether purchasing a software does not guarantee that it will work in the future as it is when you change your computer or OS; so you will need the upgrades regularly. This is the plain nature of using a software. sonicLAB does its best to ensure that you can use your software for a long time as it is. However charges for the upgrades from time to time is inevitable, as developing audio software is a senior level programming effort being done in professional time.



support (at)