Cosmosf M31
Cosmosf M31 is a stochastic midi event generator , and with the MBot they build the dream generative system.
( VST2 and AU only )
designed & programmed by Sinan Bokesoy
first release 02/2021
Cosmosf M31 is a stochastic midi event generator , and with the MBot they build the dream generative system.
( VST2 and AU only )
designed & programmed by Sinan Bokesoy
first release 02/2021
Cosmosf M31 is a real-time stochastic event generator, which can generate complex MIDI events with multi scale event distribution processes.
As with other Cosmosƒ applications, here discrete note events of certain density are distributed in a time space defining the onset time and duration values by using stochastic / deterministic functions.
Each macro event defines the duration of a meso space, and the sub events are distrubuted inside it as micro spaces. This is how the local density changes can be elaborated.
The micro events define a midi note event with velociy and pitch values. They can also be accompanied with multiple midi CC’s which are continuously in motion.
The sonicLAB proriatery Cosmosf engine imagines the sonic being as a multi dimensional vector in space being transformed in continuum.
The composer can continously vary the M31 parameter space with the coupling of onset time/duration/density and continuous transformations on midi pitch, velocity, continuous controllers adressing multiple channels at the same time.
Adress the MPE synthesisers to exploit full powers of multiple controller assignment on multiple channels for beatifully evolving textures.
Each GEN can use a palette of dicrete/continuous stochastic distribution models and the speed, amplitude and roughness can be controlled like an LFO.
Each GEN can be adressed to a MIDI controller message or discrete parameters like velocity or note pitch, aftertouch and pitch bend.
GENs operate on micro and meso time scales and if they address the same controller message, their effect is accumulation of both time scales.
Cosmosƒ M31 can operate 12x12x4 + 12*3 = 612 GENs at the same time at maximum overlapping.
In all promotional videos of Cosmosƒ M31, you can see two MBots running along with the M31.
You can check these example DAW projects ( currently for Logic and Live ) which use M31 / MBots.
Cosmosf M31 and MBot are available for OSX , Windows platforms as VST2 and AU plugin formats.
All sonicLAB products are 64bit only.